It was a day full of surprises! Tineke was only allowed to come in the school building with her husband Susiri on her birthday at 10 a.m. Everything was beautiful decorated in the Auditorium. Not only the present deaf students and Staff waited for her, but also 30 past pupils of the Deaf School came for this occasion to Moratuwa. That was heartwarming! First came the ritual of the lighting of the oil lamp, after that the cutting of the cake.
The Dining Hall in the School was over crowded and the extra guests enjoyed the cake and snacks. Outside were the bouncers ready to use to enjoy this special day. There was also sugar cane and popcorn was served.
The tasty lunch was appreciated by everybody. Some told it looked like a wedding! The past pupils wrote their name and address etc. in a special book as there will be a big Reunion in September for all the past deaf pupils and staff members of the Dr. Reijntjes School for the Deaf. Also an Association for past pupils and staff members of the Deaf School will be organized soon.