Mon - Fri 07:30 - 13:30
Newsletter January 2021
The new year started with a visit of 3 Buddhist monks to our School for the Deaf on January 2. The staff members helped to offer them lunch in the traditional way.
The staff members have already started preparations to make all school buildings corona proof. The Health Service was also checked again.
Fortunately, most schools were allowed to reopen on January 25.
That is why the deaf students were taken to Moratuwa by their parents on Sunday morning, January 24. All corona safety measures have been re-applied as happened last year. The deaf children entered the school gate with happy faces. They had missed their school friends very much! On Monday morning the teachers had made a nice program with films about corona safety, the corona song (which the deaf children can “sing” along in sign language) and a speech by the Principal about it. the new school year. The Principal also opened the new “smart class” with all equipment to offer lessons digitally via the beamer. There is also a computer to use for additional information on the internet.
The Sunday Morning newspaper posted a nice article with pictures about the Dr. Reijntjes School for the Deaf. (see our school website)
The covid-19 infection broke out in the only center in the Netherlands for elderly deaf people in Ede (De Gelderhorst). Unfortunately 17 deaf people died. See also:
Tineke de Silva was in regular contact with this Center and visited it a few years ago.