Mon - Fri 07:30 - 13:30
Newsletter May 2020.
Almost the whole month of May Sri Lanka was in a lockdown because of the corona virus pandemic. As the president gave strict rules, the infections (718 and 9 death) were low.
All districts of Sri Lanka were in a lockdown for most of the month. Later it was little relaxed, except for the Colombo and Gampaha District.
On May 18 the first staff members returned. They could travel with a letter of our school principal by the check points, which was sent online to them.
As there was almost no transport available, one teacher came to school in a lorry, one was brought by the husband on a motorbike and another teacher was walking 5 km.
From the Education Dep. we got a letter with information what had to be done in school before the pupils come back. We have to make a separate sick room with medicine cupboard, All the beds in the hostels must have a space of one meter, in the class rooms between the tables also one meter, a wash place by the entree to wash the hands etc.
We were very happy when on May 26th the lockdown regulations were relaxed . Sri Lanka came to life again! We heard busses, cars and the bell ringing of the postman. By the supermarket it was very crowded with people who followed the corona rules.
By the bakery round the corner we never saw such a big queue on the street. What a pity as we, after 2 months, were longing for the warm soft bread of our own bakery!
We still don’t know when the schools will open again. We wait for a decision of the Education Department.
Om May 29 in Sri Lanka are 1530 corona infections and 10 persons died.
De schooltuin schoonmaken
De nieuwe ziekenkamer
In de eetzaal 1 meter-regeling
Handen wassen bij binnenkomst
Het controleren van de temperatuur