Mon - Fri 07:30 - 13:30
We saw the white paradise bird again in our school garden. These birds come every year in November from Nepal to Sri Lanka to spend the winter here. The tail is at least 25 cm long.
Every Monday afternoon there is a cooking class for the children. This month delicious snacks were made again such as chocolate pudding, cake, cookies and snacks.
Finally, for the first time in history, driving licenses were issued to deaf persons in Sri Lanka this month! They do have to place extra mirrors and a special identification mark on the back of their motorcycle or car.
The test week for the transition reports started in mid-November. The school year runs parallel to the calendar year in Sri Lanka.
During this period there were many sick people in Sri Lanka due to a persistent flu epidemic. Both staff members and students were infected.
The last week of school was relaxed and the students could enjoy documentaries, nature films, etc. on the smart board. That was a nice change and it was also very educational.
In December, the staff members came to school for another 2 days to prepare everything for the new school year, which starts on January 2, 2023.
We would like to thank all sponsors and friends of the Dr. Reijntjes School for the Deaf for their support during the past difficult year. We felt that people sympathized with us, that was great!
Fortunately, the situation has improved somewhat, but it is still worrying due to the minimal supply of essential food products and the extremely high prices. Unemployment is appalling and Sri Lanka is unfortunately once again one of the poorest countries in the world.
We will continue to do our best to take care of the group of underprivileged deaf children and to provide them with a good education, so that they can maintain themselves in the hearing society after their studies.