Mon - Fri 07:30 - 13:30
All the parents of the deaf pupils were invited for the occasion of the handing over of the NVQ 3 Certificates in Agriculture to the deaf Trainees. Our Chief Guest this day was H.E. Mrs. Joanne Doornewaard, the Ambassador for the Kingdom of the Netherlands. She is also the Patron of our Deaf School. Prof.[...]
Read MoreWe had a nice day on October 1st in our Deaf School. In the opening of the day discussion with the deaf children we asked them what this day means to them. In big lines they told that they are happy in this School, they learn a lot and their best friends are in this[...]
Read MoreOn September 25th we got visitors from England: Lord Colin Low of Dalston CBE, the Patron of DABAL, Lady Low, Mrs. Nadani Welikala and other members of DABAL Lord and Lady Low visited Sri Lanka for the first time and were very much interested in the work in our Deaf School. Special our Agriculture Project[...]
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