Mon - Fri 07:30 - 13:30
Celebration of Principal’s Birthday and spontaneous reunion of former students, March 5, 2024. Preparations for this birthday party started weeks in advance. The students and staff had all kinds of secrets. Messages came from former students who wanted to come this day, because the Deaf School was also celebrating its 40th anniversary this year.[…]
Read MoreCelebrating the 40th Anniversary of Dr. Reijntjes Deaf School February 2, 2024. Background: It has now been 40 years since Tineke de Silva-Nijkamp from Enschede started the Dr. Reijntjes School for the Deaf in Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. Tineke was a teacher at a School for Hearing Impaired Children in Enschede in 1973, when she met[…]
Read MoreAnnual Report 2023. The new school year started on January 3, 2023. The school consisted of 40 deaf students: 21 boys and 19 girls. Furthermore, 10 staff members, an accountant and a gardener. The “Smart Board” served well in all school subjects, general knowledge and especially in speech therapy lessons. In January, Marion and Thomas[…]
Read MoreWe like to wish all the friends and donors of the Dr. Reijntjes School for the Deaf in Sri Lanka, A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The deaf pupils and Staff members, Mudithe and Tineke de Silva
Read MoreDance performance with the deaf students and disabled children from other Institutes, in Ratmalana, on December 1, 2023. After months of preparation by Rashmi, our dance teacher, the beautiful performance of these dances was a very special moment. The new costumes for the deaf students looked colorful. The new Auditorium in Ratmalana was very professional[…]
Read MoreNewsletter October 2023. October was also a rainy month. Many places in the country suffered from floods and landslides. In the south, schools were closed for a week. Onder moeder’s paraplu Rashmi, the dance teacher, came twice a week this month instead of once a week for the dance performance, which will take place on[…]
Read MoreNewsletter September 2023 After enjoying the holidays at home for a month, the students returned to school on September 4. Our dance teacher came twice a week from September due to… the dance performance, which we will give at the end of November. De dansles van juf Rashmi Three students from the University of[…]
Read MoreNewsletter June and July 2023 June 7 was the last day of the O/Level (MAVO) exams. The parents of our deaf candidates came to our School on June 8th for a farewell party and they also brought food for a delicious lunch for everyone. Afscheid van de examenkandidaten Dance teacher Rashmi is busy rehearsing 3[…]
Read MoreNewsletter March / April / May 2023 The month of March started with the celebration of the 80th birthday of Mrs. Tineke de Silva, the Founder/Principal of the Dr. Reijntjes School for the Deaf. The staff members and children had organized everything in a nice way. Several deaf former students also came to congratulate her![…]
Read MoreSad news, April 2023 Our former student Nirmal, who took his MAVO exam last year, was hit by a passing train at a guarded train crossing on March 24 and suffered severe brain injury and several broken bones. He has since been in a coma in the ICU of the General Hospital in Colombo, where[…]
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