Mon - Fri 07:30 - 13:30
On February 2, we celebrated the 38th anniversary of the Dr. Reijntjes School for the Deaf. We watched old school movies, had a tea treat and an ice cream dessert after lunch. One of the students (Ekmi) had painted the school building on linen and she offered it to the Principal (Tineke de Silva).
On the anniversary of the death of Barbel Kattenbelt (February 12), the first chairman of the Dutch Support Foundation, we showed the students some photos of her visits to the Deaf School. We also lit a candle at her portrait. She passed away in 2018.
On February 12, all students and staff members received a PCR test for COVID-19. These tests were sponsored by the Lions Club of Colombo. The results came the next day: luckily all negative!
On February 15, our new teacher Nadeesha (25 years old) came to take the place of Miss Ruvini, who resigned after 30 years of loyal service.
In Miss Rashmi’s dance class, a new folk dance was started. This time a happy dance with water pots.
Kavishka, a Grade 8 student, was admitted to Kalubowila Hospital in Dehiwala on February 22 for minor surgery. He had to stay in the hospital for a total of 3 days.
3 new showers were installed in the boys’ outside bathroom. All the boys were very happy and immediately took advantage of it.
Power cuts were introduced in Sri Lanka from mid-February. These are interruptions in the electricity supply. At first it was 3 hours a day and at the end of the month it became 7 hours a day. Fortunately, we have a generator in our Deaf School, but it uses diesel. There is also a scarcity of petrol, diesel, gas etc. Especially the prices of vegetables, fruits, gas, oil products, medicines and so many other products have become almost unaffordable for the people of Sri Lanka.
At the end of February, the daily Covid-19 infections averaged 975 and the number of deaths 24.